
Tainted Amber
CM Review.  Volume XXVIII / Issue 31 - April 15 / 2022  

Highly Recommended. 4/5*
"I recommend Tainted Amber to readers who enjoy historical fiction, particularly that of pre-World War II Germany, and romantic stories. The interplay between the Nuremberg Laws of the Nazis and their effect on the romance between David and Katya is compelling. . . " Sarah Wethered

Broken Stone

Shortlisted for 2016 McNally Robinson Book of the Year Award for Children (older category).

Author Dora Dueck writes, "... a wonderful book with a lonely and disheartened but strong and engaging main character, beautiful writing with lovely detail and metaphors, brisk pace, and an ending that's both an ending and momentum for the last in the series. This book is a good way to introduce younger readers to history and I hope it provokes some conversations between adults and children and also some google searches."

Journalist, blogger and retired teacher, MaryLou Driedger, likes the photographs inside the book and posts that Broken Stone would be a good way to give young people insight into the past of older European immigrants. Read her blog post here.

Shortlisted for the 2016 McNally Robinson book of the Year Award for Children (older category).

CM Review. Highly Recommended 4/5*

Red Stone 
Shortlisted for the 2010 McNally Robinson book of the Year Award for Children (older category)
under the earlier title of The Kulak's Daughter (Blooming Tree Press, 2009).

CM Review  Red Stone listed as recommended. Reviewer, Ruth Latta, calls it "a dramatic and disturbing novel about a family caught up in tumultuous changes in the Soviet Union." *** /4

Resource Links included The Kulak's Daughter in 2010's Year's Best list.

Silver Moonbeam Award for The Kulak's Daughter.

MaryLou Driedger posts about Red Stone on her blog and includes photos from her own travels to Ukraine.

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